Friday, October 23, 2009

350 Reasons to oppose carbon trading

As we round the corner to the UN climate talks in Copenhagen, it is clear that the discourse on climate solutions has been hijacked by corporate interests....
Here is one of the 350:
•Carbon trading interferes with positive solutions to the climate crisis• Many of the carbon offset and Clean Development Mechanism schemes that carbon markets depend on result in the direct disruption of communities living a low-carbon, sustainable lifestyle. For example, a massive dam being built on India’s Bhilangana River is resulting in the displacement of entire villages. For centuries, these villagers have practiced sustainable agriculture using little, if any, fossil fuels and maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem. These are the exact models of sustainability we should be supporting in the fight against climate change. Now these villagers will likely be forced into the cities to enter the market economy. On the other hand, the builders of the dam earned carbon credits which will be sold to energy companies, allowing them to continue spewing carbon emissions into the atmosphere.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Reverend Billy Talen’s Climate Protection Agenda - Free Public Transit

Make public transit free. Finance public buses and subways according to the Kheel-Komanoff Plan by implementing a traffic pricing plan that includes a variable congestion charge for vehicles driving into the Central Business District in Manhattan as well as a distance-based taxi-fare surcharge to ensure that Manhattan residents pay their fair share. RevBilly