Friday, December 23, 2011

Buffalo - 30% of households have no car. #Transit cuts announced.

According to the Buffalo News, the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority faces "staggering fiscal problems." With a $15 million budget gap and projections of deficits through 2015, transit commissioners are scrambling. They've announced they'll be laying off 20 percent of the transit police force and have approved a 22 percent cut in service miles.
Yet, Buffalo residents are taking transit in record numbers. Ridership was 29 million this year, which means that 18 percent more trips were taken by transit than in 2006. Many of these are trips of necessity, not choice: 30 percent of Buffalo households do not have a car, and the city has the third-highest poverty rate in the country.

Read more:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

TWU Contract Rally with Occupy Wall Street #ows

(9) TWU Contract Rally with Occupy Wall Street: "Tranport Workers Union Local 100 made history as the first labor union to support Occupy Wall Street. Now Occupy is mobilizing to stand with TWU as they begin their campaign to demand a fair contract. The Occupy Wall Street Labor Outreach Committee says “No Givebacks to the 1%”.

On December 15th, TWU will rally outside MTA headquarters at 2 Broadway, then march to Liberty Plaza, the birthplace of Occupy Wall Street, for a rank-and-file General Assembly. We are the 99% and we stand as one!

When: Thursday, December 15 4pm
Where: MTA Offices 2 Broadway (just down the road from Zuccotti Park)
What: Tranport Workers Union Local 100 contract rally and rank-and-file General Assembly

Occupy Wall Street Labor Outreach Committee is a network of rank-and-file activists and union staffers who share a common vision of union democracy, militancy, and solidarity. We provide mutual aid and support for each other's struggles, using the tactics and principles of Occupy Wall Street."

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

#occupywallstreet accurately targets those who are causing our pain

" 'Blood sucking squid' Goldman Sachs holding presser with translator who speaks squid"
  [UPDATE] Occupy Wall Street "Squidding" At Goldman Sachs Right Now: Gothamist: "Goldman, "a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money." The demonstration is also targeted at EGT, who along with Goldman is accused of "committing egregious tax fraud at West Coast shipping ports.""

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

#occupyhomes #occupywallstreet abandoned house reoccupied and bright with life

Governor determined to destroy public #transit

ANALYSIS: What Cuomo’s Tax Bill Says About Transit | Transportation Nation: "the Governor’s office initially assured us the $250 million hole to the MTA budget would be plugged by a dedicated stream from the $1.9 billion reaped by the tax on the super-rich – but when the bill was finally presented — minutes before it was voted on — there was no such provision"

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Governor must be stopped from stealing #transit funds

Concerned About Cuomo, Transit & Environmental Adocates To Meet: "The original lockbox bill, sponsored by Assemblyman Jim Brennan and Sen. Marty Golden, made it more difficult for the governor to unilaterally divert MTA dedicated transit funds, and required an impact statement on transit service if dedicated funds were taken.

This was a reaction to the diversion of $260 million in dedicated transit funds over the last three years, which according to advocates, contributed to the worst metropolitan-area transit service cuts in memory."

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

#occupywallstreet is working - pressure is on to tax the rich

The supercommittee’s 13th member: Occupy Wall Street - The Washington Post: "As Occupy Wall Street gained traction during the course of the supercommittee’s deliberations, it emboldened the Democrats to reject compromise and stick to their demands for a trillion-dollar tax increase. They seemed perfectly willing to let the supercommittee fail if those demands were not met. Why? Because the Democrats seem to believe that the Tea Party movement, with its calls for limited government and spending restraint, is waning. They believe it is being supplanted before our eyes by a new grassroots movement in favor of bigger government, higher taxes and more spending."

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Behind the Curb - Center for an Urban Future

Behind the Curb - Center for an Urban Future: "This report finds that a disproportionate share of the city's recent job growth, transit ridership gains and population growth have occurred in the four boroughs outside of Manhattan, yet transit service in the boroughs has not kept pace-and the biggest losers have been the city's working poor. We argue that New York's bus system could step in and fill the gaps, but not without major improvements."

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cars are making you crazy

Why Traffic Jams Are Bad for Your Health - "New public-health studies and laboratory experiments suggest that, at every stage of life, traffic fumes exact a measurable toll on mental capacity, intelligence and emotional stability."

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cuomo throwing in his lot with #oil -- bad choice

Activists object to planned TZ bridge with no transit | "Transit advocates are expected to protest the state's decision to build a new Tappan Zee Bridge without adding new bus and rail services at this week's public briefings on the revised project.

"Many groups are uniting around the loss of public transportation," said Kate Slevin, executive director of the Tri-State Transportation Campaign. "If transit isn't added now, we worry it never will be."

Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the federal government announced two weeks ago that replacement of the Tappan Zee Bridge was among 14 infrastructure projects selected for expedited approvals in a national competition designed to spur job creation.

The Federal Highway Administration estimates the new environmental review and permitting process could be accomplished within a year, allowing the state to advertise for bids as soon as August 2012.


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Friday, October 21, 2011

Cap'n Transit Rides Again: The Tappan Zee Bridge is a sprawl-generating machine

Cap'n Transit Rides Again: The Tappan Zee Bridge is a sprawl-generating machine: " just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. We have a word for the style of residential development that's been built in Orange, Rockland and Bergen counties over the past fifty years. We have a word for the style of commercial development that's been built in Westchester and the north Bronx since 1960. That word is sprawl.

There are several reasons why sprawl is a dirty word among environmentalists, and they're listed at the top of this blog. Car-centered development pollutes the air, causing asthma and global warming. Incessant driving kills people, pets and wildlife. Sprawl wastes a tremendous amount of space, separating people from each other and causing obesity. Driving everywhere uses energy much faster than our planet gets it from the sun."

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Police bravely face-off against pedestrians

photo from #occupywallstreet
Turned out there was no danger. Just some people trying to find justice, and stopped to ask for directions.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CDTA reps rally to oppose public transit funding cuts - YNN, Your News Now

CDTA reps rally to oppose public transit funding cuts - YNN, Your News Now: ""There are proposals at the congressional level to eliminate one third of all federal funding for public transportation," said CDTA Chief Executive Officer Carm Basile.

So, wearing red and holding signs, Capital Region representatives spent Tuesday urging Congress "Not to X out Public Transit."

"CDTA has about 45,000 boardings every single day so those people will be severely affected," said Basile. "Routes will be eliminated and fares may be raised.""

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Friday, September 9, 2011

According to the oil-trolls, this is not happening, it is just hype

Press & Sun-Bulletin | Binghamton news, community, entertainment, yellow pages and classifieds. Serving Binghamton, New York | "There was little anyone could do but watch Thursday as the Chenango and Susquehanna rivers spilled over the flood walls. Waterways reached record-setting heights across the Southern Tier on Thursday, unleashed flooding, engulfed neighborhoods, overwhelmed key pieces of infrastructure and forced thousands to evacuate in one of the worst natural disasters in Southern Tier history."

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Free public transportation for Irene victims - YNN, Your News Now

Free public transportation for Irene victims - YNN, Your News Now: "DELAWARE COUNTY, N.Y. -- The Delaware County Human Services Departments continue to work to help the victims of Irene. The department has arranged free public transportation to the Disaster Assistance Service Center at the Belleayre Ski Center in High Mount and two area grocery stores."
If free transit is good after a disaster, why not have it to prevent disaster?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bee-Line Revealed as Backbone of Westchester Employment | Mobilizing the Region

Bee-Line Revealed as Backbone of Westchester Employment | Mobilizing the Region: "Westchester County’s Bee-Line bus system hit record ridership numbers last year (32.3 million), and a recent survey has revealed a transit-dependent and diverse ridership that relies on the system primarily to get to work. Unfortunately, at a time that riders’ incomes have taken a substantial hit, the bus they ride to work faces an uncertain future. The continuing local, state and federal budget battles could translate into service cuts and fare raises for a demographic, and community, that can hardly afford it."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Rider Rebellion continues in New York City

Street Actions | Rider Rebellion: "Volunteer with the Rider Rebellion to organize transit riders in support of affordable fares, better service and the end of service cuts!
Check out where the Rider Rebellion is organizing transit riders! Click the place-markers to learn when and where you can find us."

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Buffalo car-culture is cruel

NYSTEA | New York State Transportation Equity Alliance |: "Buffalo also struggles with high poverty rates. According to US Census data over 1 in 4 residents live below the poverty line. With over 30% of Buffalo’s population not having access to a car and 77% of the transit users in the city “transit dependent”, mass transit cuts and fare increases have a disproportionate effect on communities of color and low-income."

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

NYPTA 2011 Position Paper

NYPTA 2011 Position Paper: "Public transportation is a vital means of maximizing community mobility, which has economic and social impacts far in excess of the public investment necessary to make public transit available and affordable. Each day, millions of New Yorkers and visitors ride public transit to work, school, health care, shopping, recreation, tourist attractions and countless other destinations. Whether riding by choice or necessity, these transit customers make a huge impact on New York's communities in the form of:
Economic activity and jobs
Energy savings
Cleaner air
Reduced traffic congestion
Improved public health
Sustainable transportation
As we continue to endure this extended period of economic malaise, New York State is failing to meet public transportation's needs for capital and operating funding. This shortsighted public policy is harming customers and communities and is only prolonging the economic downturn by reducing overall mobility and making it harder for people to remain active in the economy."

Friday, May 27, 2011

Trinidad-Tobago: Free public transport for all students

Free public transport for all students in T&T - Stabroek News - Guyana: "In the bag are free Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC) bus travel for all students wearing uniform as well as persons over 60, the extension of the TT$1,000 monthly duty allowance (originally given only to police officers) to all members of the Protective Services and Defence Force, a minimum TT$3,000 pension for members of the Defence Force and Protective Services and a plan for a new airport located in Camden, Couva."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stop the insanity -- Get rid of fare-collection

The value of lost, expired or unused Metrocards over the course of a year adds up to a hefty $52 million. To encourage riders to keep better track of cards, the MTA will start charging a $1 Metrocard replacement fee later this year.

The program is expected to net $20 million from both the fee and the diminished costs associated with having fewer Metrocards -- to print, program, recycle and clean up -- in circulation. The MTA also hopes the surcharge will lower the 15 cents is spends on fare collection for every $1 taken in.

Read more at WYNC

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fake conservative caught riding on "collectivist" Amtrak

A commenter wonders about individualism and the private auto:
Diminished Individualism Watch - "How does a daily commute by car make one more of an individual? I like to drive, both for the thrill and the sights and I like to exercise my power to individuate myself, but a daily commute by car is neither enjoyable nor individuating. Get in line, watch my speed, watch my following distance; if I made my exit without being aware of it, I've done it right, properly following the bigger herd until my little herd is shunted off to my pod-cubicle in my double-speak infested capitalist wunderland.It's like a jobs program of pointless activity used to sell me a Morning Zoo, ever-burgeoning crush zones, and 300 horsepower to let me occasionally zip 6 places farther ahead to defend my individuality. I'm living the dream, I guess." (Andrew, Portland, OR)
What do we mean by "fake conservative?" True conservatives (not in the spotlight) honestly believe that government should not subsidize for-profit enterprise. Fake conservatives (in the news all the time) believe that corporate welfare is just fine, and social security needs to be "drowned in the bathtub."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A global energy war looms – Telegraph Blogs

A global energy war looms – Telegraph Blogs: "The most common cause of energy price shocks is supply disruption. It’s the fear of just such a disruption, with turmoil in the Middle East, which is driving the oil price right now. But in future it’s much more likely to be the pressure of demand on limited supply. Nevermind developments in North Africa and elsewhere in the region. That’s a mere bagatelle compared with what may be coming. These demand tensions could create much wider geo-political instability, with potentially catastrophic inter-continental consequences."

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How much more can you take?

Streetsblog New York City » The Weekly Carnage: "The Weekly Carnage is a Friday round-up of motor vehicle violence across the five boroughs and beyond. For more on the origins and purpose of this column, please read About the Weekly Carnage."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Small but significant step forward in the war on cars

More departments join DM Car Free Day drive: "Dubai Municipality will observe its second Car Free Day on Wednesday and the initiative will see more government employees swapping cars for public transport this time.
Around 2,500 officials and employees from the Dubai Municipality headquarters and its neighbouring offices of Dubai Land Department, Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry and etisalat are expected to take part in the environmental initiative in cooperation with the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA)."

Monday, January 31, 2011

Speak Up For Pedestrian, Cycling, Transit Improvements in NYC! | Mobilizing the Region

Speak Up For Pedestrian, Cycling, Transit Improvements in NYC! | Mobilizing the Region: "Three-plus years of pedestrian, cycling, and transit improvements in New York City have come under fire from some local media and politicians in recent weeks.

The data repeatedly shows that the kinds of green transportation projects rolled out by NYCDOT have made the city safer. But as Streetsblog documents, the NY Post‘s editorial board and columnists have been attacking complete streets redesigns."

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mubarak - 30 years of brutality so Americans can waste cheap oil in traffic

Egyptian Protests Extend to Streets of New York - "“I was 14 years old when he took office,” said Khaled Dawoud, 43, a journalist from the Upper East Side. “We deserve better.”

Mr. Dawoud said that he was filled with nationalistic pride by the sight of people taking to the streets of Cairo and said the fact that large numbers of ordinary citizens were defying Mr. Mubarak’s curfew was a victory in itself.

“We defeated an oppressive police machine,” he said, identifying himself rhetorically with the protesters. “We were not afraid of the bullets.”"

Friday, January 28, 2011

NYC Coalition for Transit Justice – Page 1

NYC Coalition for Transit Justice – Page 1: "We are NYC mass transit riders and workers who believe that everyone has the right to safe, reliable, accessible, & affordable public transportation."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Full Speed Ahead on Deepwater Drilling -

Full Speed Ahead on Deepwater Drilling - "The ink is barely dry on the White House commission’s investigative report into the Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf of Mexico pointing to industrywide deficiencies, but signs are emerging every day that deepwater drilling is expanding around the world."